If you are just hearing of the date 03/17/17 it seems rather ambiguous.
But, in time you will see this was the greatest fork in the road moment our country had faced in recent history.
This date of 03/17/17 was the first time an investigative author presented documented evidence that made me realize it was highly likely, the Senate Intel Committee facilitated the calling of a Special Counsel Robert Mueller,
This author showed that when the the DOJ released the Carter Page FISA documents, in response to a FOIA request, they released the 03/17/17 clerk stamped copy (Initial October 2016 Carter Page FISA) instead of the original copies of the FISAs.
This 3/17/17 document was the initial allegation of a Trump/Russia connection and started the media and congress calling for Mueller in April 2016.
It allegedly entered the public sphere of Buzzfeed, and subsequent media reports, through the James Wolfe Senate Security Officer leak to reporter Ali Watkins of Buzzfeed.
This 03/17/17 copy was part of an FBI Leak Investigation and ended up being released by the DOJ instead of the original Carter Page FISA copies through a FOIA request.
This was the greatest fork in the road moment our country had faced in recent history.
Would justice be blind and applied equal?
Every public release from the DOJ between May 2017 and April 11 2019 was done by he Special Counsel Mueller team with Sessions recused. This was not done, during AG Barr's appointment, and it appears to be a problem set in his lap yet to be addressed.
The public releases by Mueller Team included the SSCI Vice Chairman Mark Warner’s text messages and the 03/17/17 stamped FISA application on July 21 2018 (FOIA response).
Was Mark Warner the only senator who knew of the FISA production March 17, 2017?
Is it possible this whole Special Counsel appointment and investigation, was political, and Robert Muller was a shield for previous NSA database abuses?
Who is Dana Boente and what hey role did he play in this operation?
This is just the beginning. To see years of research and get informed click "Find Out More" below.
Theory has it, that Weissmann was drawing the attention away from the Primary Sub Source, and towards the Steele person, in order to evade retroactive review of the Carter Page FISA renewals, that could all possibly be found invalid due to lack of supporting evidence (primary sub source said he could not corroborate the allegations with the dossiers).
See the article for more information - There never was a Woods File underpinning the Carter Page FISA Application, Heres now we know.
Is it possible Weissmann created the Wood's file to misdirect the public from the Primary Sub Source saying it was all fake? And instead training the FBI and DOJ to hide behind the "truthfulness" of Steele saying he believed what he believed (blocking his source saying it was BS)?
Is it possible the Steele Dossier and Mueller appoint was to cover the illegal spying stopped by Admiral Rogers at the NSA? (see the last article of this homepage for full details).
Were there dossiers prior to the Steele one, that were created by Fusion GPS (the place DOJ #4 official Bruce Ohr's wife worked - Nellie Ohr)? and Steele just put his name on it to distract the public?
If you are unfamiliar with the WOLFE Indictment or the theory of the leak to intiated the Special Counsel Public Outcry - See Page 3/17/17
Do you want a quick summary of the James Wolfe indictment? And why it is theorized the SSCI facilitated this leak to start the public outcry, for a Special Counsel, to remove a duly elected sitting president?
See below. See the Mysterious Journey of an FBI leak investigation for further details.
March 17. 2017 —— A copy of the Carter Page FISA warrant is requested from the FISC court and provided by LeeAnn Flynn Clark, FISC Clerk
Per United States of America v. James A. Wolfe Indictment; the following relevant pieces of information were collected (see indictment here):
The indictment documents the following evidence to the Grand Jury
Why was James A. Wolfe ONLY indicted for lying to a Federal Officer and not for leaking?
Why did the NYT and the Judicial Watch FOIA release, in June 2018, include the SSCI requested Carter PAGE FISA received by SSCI Security Direct James A. WOLFE??
⁃ (Laundering? - making it a public release, and not an Ali Watkins, Buzzfeed, Criminal Leak?)
Are we stupid?
Think about it.
The US Attorney Jessie Liu accepts a plea deal from WOLFE that says no classified information was leaked.
Somebody is stupid. Not us.
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